A Bible-Based Church
in London Ontario
A church committed to fulfilling the Great Commission
in the spirit of the Great Commandment.
Sunday 9:00am & 11:15am
Join us for our Easter Services:
Good Friday: 9am, 11am (Register Now) | Easter Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm
A church committed to fulfilling the Great Commission
in the spirit of the Great Commandment.
Sunday 9:00am & 11:15am
We’re glad you’re here and would love to have you at one of our weekend services.
Connect and serve alongside fellow Christ-followers as we grow in our love for God and others.
A Christ Follower Abides with God, Connects with the Church, and Shares with the World.
Join us for, "I Still Do"! A marriage conference where author and GCC President Dave Harvey will draw from his many years of pastoral and counselling experience, to deliver gospel-centered marriage resources that can’t help but give every marriage a boost!
We are not about just showing up to church and heading home – we are sinners saved by grace, and a people committed to fulfilling the Great Commission, in the spirit of the Great Commandment.
God is at work at Redemption, and we invite you to come join us and see what He is doing, and how you can be a part of it.
Women's Spring Brunch
March 29 9:30am - 12:00pm